Here's what you've all been waiting for right? A new photoshop piece by me...
Well, I did this piece for an exhibition in London that starts this monday (14th June 2010) at some design studio in Tottenham Court Road, if you're in London, go check it out.
Either way, I'm quite happy with this, I did it in one day, probably 8 hours worth of working, a LOT of photoshop unexpectedly quitting and Red Dead being played next to me the whole time.
This will mark the first time I've added figures into this work... It's done two things in my opinion: Firstly, Its given the work much more of a narrative quality, a bit of humour and movement. BUT Its also killed the quiet, environment, design quality that the other pieces had. The focus on the place and the statues, the environment design that I loved about the others is gone. I need to find a way of merging the two.
Oh, side note, Uni's over, I finished, graduated, 2:1 I think. Time to find a job and crack on with this kind of work for the rest of my days I guess!