So as you can see here, last week, I graduated! (look, I've got the hat and everything). I'm not looking drastically flattering here as I was immensely hungover for the event which was ludicrously early in the morning. Hungover Alex? for one of the biggest events of your life? Yes. Yes I was! know why? Go out the way you went in, thats what I figured!
I'll take this moment to mention some politically relevant stuff: I sympathize deeply to all potential university students out there whose lives (and more specifically, bank accounts) are to take something of a bashing in the future, for no real gain or purpose that I can see... Its a difficult conundrum, University was the most fun time of my life and has significantly made me the person I am today, as well as given me the drive to strive for more from my life. I would urge anyone who felt an interest in gaining more academically to go to uni. It will be the best days of your life. But at the same time, I could not justify playing ball with the government, caving in and actually paying the costs they expect you to pay. I am glad I don't have to make this decision, I am lucky in a sense. But I am by no means complacent, I fully support the protests by the students and wish them luck and support. For the sake of the country, we need a generation of people like that.